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日期:2016-10-22 浏览量:1080
今年早些时候,谷歌在 I/O 大会上宣布了 Daydream,目标是让数亿 Android 手机在未来几年能够享受高质量的虚拟现实。本月早些时候他们终于揭开了第一款为 Daydream 做好准备的智能手机“Google Pixel”以及第一个 Daydream 头显“View”。随着公司野心的不断增长,内部虚拟现实团队也开始大量招兵买马。谷歌拒绝透漏现在从事虚拟现实共有多少人,但这个数字肯定是在不断增长。
仅在过去一个月,由于推出 Pixel 和 Daydream View,谷歌就发布了 7 个专注于虚拟现实的全职新岗位。加上现在这 7 个,谷歌在过去 12 月共增加了不少于 15 个全职岗位:
Creative Director, Daydream
Structural Mechanical Engineer, Virtual Reality
Technical Artist, VR
Software Engineer, Android Internals (Tango)
Software Engineer, Computer Graphics, Daydream
Software Engineer, Device Calibration, Tango
UX Engineer, Cardboard and Virtual Reality
UX Researcher, VR and AR
Software Engineer, Tango
Test Engineer, Virtual Reality
Software Engineer, Tools and Infrastructure, Virtual Reality
Games Publishing Software Engineer (Cardboard and Virtual Reality)
Device Calibration System Engineer, Tango
Software Engineer, Virtual Reality, YouTube
Interaction Designer, Cardboard and Virtual Reality
谷歌的全职员工平均每年报酬约为 15 万美元,这次将投资 225 万美元到VR人才库。而且原本直接从事虚拟现实的员工数量也不少,我们猜想现阶段大约是 50~100 人左右(包括全职和临时合同的员工)。虽然对于在全球拥有5万多名员工的谷歌,这只是沧海一粟,但相比许多虚拟现实创业公司,这是一个重要的力量。
仅在过去一个月,由于推出 Pixel 和 Daydream View,谷歌就发布了 7 个专注于虚拟现实的全职新岗位。加上现在这 7 个,谷歌在过去 12 月共增加了不少于 15 个全职岗位:
Creative Director, Daydream
Structural Mechanical Engineer, Virtual Reality
Technical Artist, VR
Software Engineer, Android Internals (Tango)
Software Engineer, Computer Graphics, Daydream
Software Engineer, Device Calibration, Tango
UX Engineer, Cardboard and Virtual Reality
UX Researcher, VR and AR
Software Engineer, Tango
Test Engineer, Virtual Reality
Software Engineer, Tools and Infrastructure, Virtual Reality
Games Publishing Software Engineer (Cardboard and Virtual Reality)
Device Calibration System Engineer, Tango
Software Engineer, Virtual Reality, YouTube
Interaction Designer, Cardboard and Virtual Reality
谷歌的全职员工平均每年报酬约为 15 万美元,这次将投资 225 万美元到VR人才库。而且原本直接从事虚拟现实的员工数量也不少,我们猜想现阶段大约是 50~100 人左右(包括全职和临时合同的员工)。虽然对于在全球拥有5万多名员工的谷歌,这只是沧海一粟,但相比许多虚拟现实创业公司,这是一个重要的力量。